Mini Hotspot

  • Quick and easy to install
  • Create your own custom vouchers
  • Easy to use
  • Attract customers to your business
  • Make additional income

Make money and attract customers to your business. A Jenny WiFi Hotspot is a service that provides Internet access over a local wireless network or an Internet café. The customer will need a voucher to access the Internet: these vouchers are provided by the Jenny WiFi Hotspot owner.

Jenny Internet offers a Mini WiFi Hotspot for your business

Serve your customers and add internet to the menu ! Attract business customers who can work while they conduct their meetings.

Find your address for coverage and pricing:

Click location for pricing

Click the map for GPS coordinates to determine pricing

Equipment and Installation

You will need a Wireless Internet connection from Jenny Internet. A Jenny Internet dealer will quote you on equipment and labour.

* All prices on this website include VAT, all prices listed are per month unless otherwise stated.

Attract customers to your business.

Set up free vouchers for your business. Free vouchers have time and data limits. You will also be able to set the time period between free vouchers per customer. e.g., allow a customer one free voucher per day or per week. This way the Jenny WiFi Hotspot is abuse-free.


Make money by selling vouchers for Internet access.

Set up vouchers for customers to purchase at your pay point. This scenario is usually used by Internet cafés and coffee shops. Voucher profits are yours: the Jenny WiFi Hotspot has the same price no matter how many vouchers you sell.


A mix of free vouchers and pay vouchers.

An example would be to set up a 30-minute voucher and only allow a customer to receive one per day. Once the voucher is used up, the customer will have to purchase a voucher to access the Internet again.

Ready to get Mini Hotspot?

We aim to matter where you are


Here are the most frequently asked questions about Mini Hotspot.
If you have any additional questions don't hesitate to speak to us.

You can pre-configure all vouchers with regards to uptime, capacity, and/or speed limits.

You will need an additional Jenny router for the hotspot configuration.

Yes, you have the option to give free vouchers to customers. This can be set up using our online hotspot admin software. Free Vouchers will then appear on your hotspot landing page.